
Archive for August, 2016

Stay calm amid Zika–Zika is very mild (not unlike a cold) unless you have a compromised immune system. Then, if you do have compromised immunity and are Pregnant– be wary of spraying of Neurotoxin, Organophosphate-Naled, Larvicides and/or GMO Mosquitoes and Glyphosate.

The Zika virus was discovered in the year 1947 by the Rockefeller Foundation when it was isolated from monkeys from the Zika forest in Uganda in a laboratory. Since then the Foundation owns the patent to this virus. The first human case being detected in the year 1954 was found to cause a very mild form of disease involving low fever, sore body, headaches, and a mild rash in very few people. The rest did not show any symptoms at all. The symptoms were resolved in a few days

Doctors and researchers say the widespread use of the toxic chemicals heavily promoted by the chemical and pharmaceutical industry to combat mosquitoes is not preventing the spread of Zika virus, but is putting at risk the health of the general population. 

Experts in the field of genetics observed something very curious. The Zika virus had currently emerge exactly from those areas where the GM mosquitoes were released in 2015 to contain the dengue! The mosquitoes were released by a company called Oxitech in collaboration with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). Could one virus have been replaced with another?


GMWatch Reporter  http://www.greenmedinfo.com/gmi-blogs/gmwatch



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At Community Day School in Sarasota, Florida the Precautionary Principle was adopted by the schools board of directors. As a result no chemical pesticides are used in the school’s Papa Ed and Mimi Sustainable Garden or on the campus. Advocating the Precautionary Principle means to hold the pesticide accountable and  no pesticide or any chemical can be used around children unless the pesticide is PROVEN safe first not relatively safe but completely harmless.

The Precautionary Principle and the Community Day School adopting of APP flies in the face of the chemical pesticide industry which is protected by the pseudo science of ” relative toxicity” in which chemical pesticides are registered for use by and on its” relative safety.” This is pseudo science since the pesticides relative safety is determined by regulatory on its LD 50.

So what is an LD 50 that determines a pesticides relative safety ? An LD50  is the amount of the pesticide (the Lethal Dose) that kills 50% of the lab animals tested. Therefore according to the tenets of relative toxicity (or safety) the pesticide with the lowest amount of chemical that kills the 50 % of lab animals ( LD50 Lethal Dose) the relative toxicity is greater than a chemical which kills the 50% of lab animals with a lesser amount.Therefore the chemical which uses a greater amount that kills the same 50% of lab animals is RELATIVE SAFER. What a crock!  Now if you do not pause and consider that bizarre enough remember the testing is only on the 50% killed by the lethal dose, but what about the surviving 50% what conditions did those animals suffer. There is no data no testing no reporting required on the 50% of surviving animals. And that is all we have as a nation to protect our children from damage due to pesticides exposure.

Comments Sarah Catherine Leithauser-French on pesticide registration and the LD 50 registration ” With all the false labelling hiding GMOS in food & drink under natural sounding words. Surely not a funny jokes to the millions with GI issues, allergies, nervous system, neurological & other maladies already. Unconscionable. Opposite of the Golden Rule. Plus arrogantly, and without apology.What about their own children, relatives, grandchildren, or friends? I can’t understand it at all.”

Four in five U.S. children are exposed to organophosphate pesticides, mostly from food. (Though several studies have also linked organophosphate exposure in pregnant women and children to residential insecticide use in urban areas, where indoor pest control is common.) In addition to pesticides, almost all children also carry levels of lead, mercury, the plastics additive bisphenol A, flame retardants, and dozens of other untested chemicals in their bodies. (more…)

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The Slow Poisoning of Health and the Environment by COLIN TODHUNTER

The Slow Poisoning of Health and the Environment

CounterPunch Tells the Facts and Names the Names
Copyright © CounterPunch counterpunch@counterpunch.org

It’s an all too common tale of dirty deeds, shady deals and propaganda. Rosemary Mason’s recent open letter to journalists at The Guardian outlines how the media is failing the public by not properly reporting on the regulatory delinquency relating to GM food and the harmful chemicals being applied to crops. Much of the media is even (unwittingly) acting as a propaganda arm for big agritech companies.

An open ‘Letter from America’ was penned in November 2014 warning countries in Europe and EU regulators not to authorise (chemical-dependent) GM crops because of the devastating effects on human health and the environment. Mason notes that David Cameron ignored that advice. The European Commission and the European Food Safety Authority also ignored it and have continued to allow GM into food and feed in the EU and sanction the ongoing use of dangerous pesticides.

While there is undoubtedly good work being carried out by individual journalists in this area, Mason feels the media should be doing more to hold officials to account and should report more accurately on the consequences of the genetic modification of food as well as the effects of agrochemicals. (more…)

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New Alzheimer’s treatment fully restores memory function. Of the mice that received the treatment, 75 percent got their memory function back. Publishing in Science Translational Medicine, the team describes the technique as using a particular type of ultrasound called a focused therapeutic ultrasound, which non-invasively beams sound waves into the brain tissue. By oscillating super-fast, these sound waves are able to gently open up the blood-brain barrier, which is a layer that protects the brain against bacteria, and stimulate the brain’s microglial cells to activate. Microglila cells are basically waste-removal cells, so they’re able to clear out the toxic beta-amyloid clumps that are responsible for the worst symptoms of Alzheimer’s. (more…)

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